Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Unique Tips Related to Your Mobile Phone

1. Emergency numbers
The emergency number for mobile phones is 112. If you're in an area that is difficult to receive signals HP and need to call for help, please press 112, then HP will look for an existing network to connect the emergency number for you
Interestingly, the number 112 can be pressed even if the keypad is locked.

2. Hidden backup battery
If your Nokia Mobile batteries running low, when you are expecting an important call, please press * 3370 #, then your phone will automatically restart and the battery was 50%. Backup battery will be charged when you charge your mobile phone.

3. Remote lock up your car in the car?
If you miss the keys in the car and remote back up at home, then call a man of the house with HP, then hold your mobile phone to the car about 30 cm, and ask people to bring their homes into the phone that he used remotenya then pressing the release button on the remote backup .

4. Check the validity of car / motorcycle (New York area only)
Type in the metro b86301o (number police vehicles), send to 1717, will be
no reply from the police regarding the vehicle data. tips
It is also useful to know the data used cars who want to
You buy / seek.

5. Robbed at ATM
If Your soul is being threatened by a gun criminals and you are asked
to spend money from an ATM, then you can ask for help
secretly by providing pin number in reverse. example
pin your original number 1234, when the inputted 4321 at an ATM, then the machine remains
will spend money but it also automatically sends an alarm to
police station without any known criminals. This facility is available
around the ATM, but few people know.

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