Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

How To Quickly Create QR Code

You know so many applications to create and read a QR code. But surely it would be cool if you could make your own without having to download and install the application. Is not the ease and time is so priceless?
If you only knew, create QR code only takes 3 seconds! You can even shortened it to 2 seconds if your fingers are familiar with the keyboard. OK, let's try the method below:

  1. Go to Google Shortener: Goo.gl
  2. Copy the URL you want and insert it into the text box, eg: http://gopego.com
  3. Generate Short URL and copy>> http://goo.gl/oowhE
  4. Paste in the address bar in the browser, add. Qr behind>> http://goo.gl/oowhE.qr
  5. Enter!

congratulations .. now you have a QR code!!

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